Tailoring Workplace Benefits for Generation Z

Generation Z is now entering the workplace in full force and has already influenced dynamics and expectations of organizations. Gen Zers, born between 1997 and 2012, are searching for jobs with promises of personal and professional growth, mental health support and financial security. Here are four ways you can attract and retain Gen Z talent in your workplace. 1. Make mental wellness a priority. Securian Financial r
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What can a risk management firm do for you?

Risk management is the bread and butter of what we do at CanopyNation. We work with clients to determine the best solutions to minimize harm, manage legal disputes and lessen financial impact when confronted with unexpected events. Such events can range from medical needs to property protection to disability. Keep reading to find out if you need a risk management firm. But first… What is a risk management firm? Canop
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Determining a health benefits strategy for a multi-generational workplace

Determining a health benefits strategy for a group is challenging as it is. When you add different generations in the mix, each with differing priorities, it can feel impossible to please everyone. Health benefits are a large factor in employee satisfaction, so getting your strategy right is vital to your organization. Here are a few ways that can help you determine a plan that’s right for your multi-generational emp
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What you need to know about Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestation

Insurance companies now have to ensure patients have full access to their health care costs. Previously, insurance companies had gag clauses in place that prevented patients from seeing specific data regarding their treatment. With the new Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestation in place, patients have easier access to their own data than ever before. The GCPCA prevents group insurance plans and health insuranc
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How to Spot Errors on Your Medical Bill

Health care advocates found that approximately 80% of medical bills in the U.S. contain at least one error. This alarming statistic means it’s crucial you carefully review your bill to make sure you aren’t overcharged for medical services. Checking your medical bill isn’t as complicated of a process as it may seem. We have a few tips to make sure you are being charged accurately. 1. Request and review an itemized bil
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What to know about offering life insurance as a benefit

Life insurance is one of the most common employer-provided benefits. Though life insurance is an important asset for future financial security, many employees don’t realize its significance. Teaching employees about the value of life insurance may increase loyalty to your company as they better appreciate this benefit. Employer-sponsored coverage can be offered in a variety of ways. Employers can choose between a ter
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IRS Releases 2024 Benefit Plan Limits

The Internal Revenue Service recently released the 2024 benefit plan limits in the Internal Revenue Code. These updates were based on the annual cost-of-living adjustments. The new limits take effect on Jan. 1, 2024. Employers should update their Summary Plan Descriptions and other materials highlighting the annual dollar limits. For assistance on updating your documents and communicating this new information with yo
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An Employee Guide to the Major Types of Health Plans

Health plans vary and have their own sets of benefits and drawbacks related to coverage, physicians, copays and premiums, among others. You’ll need to compare the different types of health insurance plans and choose the one that best fits your needs and budget. It’s important to note that the most suitable plan will depend on your personal health, family’s health and financial situation. There are a few main points o
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Group disability insurance explained

Economic, demographic and societal trends have led to an increasingly mobile, diverse and older workforce. In addition to this, increased stresses in the workplace and home are taking a toll on overall employee health, productivity and safety. The result is higher health care and disability costs that have a measurable impact on employers and the employee benefits packages that they offer. Many employers aren’t aware
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6 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Health Plan

Health insurance may be one of the most critical annual purchases you undergo since it can impact your physical, mental and financial wellness. Unfortunately, selecting a health insurance plan can feel overwhelming. With so many options, it can also be easy to make a mistake when selecting coverage. We explore six common missteps related to selecting a health insurance plan. Avoid these mistakes and you’ll be ready t
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