Physical Damage Insurance

When you join CanopyNation, you gain an advocate and advisor to safeguard your vehicles.

Your Hassle-Free Physical Damage Insurance Partner

Physical damage insurance protects your trucking company's vehicles against damage from accidents, theft, fire, vandalism, and other perils. It typically includes collision insurance for accidents with other vehicles and comprehensive insurance for non-collision events. When you join CanopyNation, you gain an advocate and advisor to safeguard your vehicles, whether they’re on the road, parked, or in storage.

Ensure peace of mind on and off the road.

We cover a range of incidents, from collisions and overturns to fires and thefts, allowing you to concentrate on your business. As a trusted advisor, we ensure a personalized approach, tailoring our coverage to suit your specific needs.

Ensure your peace of mind on and off the road with our reliable and flexible
insurance solutions.

Become part of a partnership

When you join CanopyNation, you become part of a partnership, a member of the CanopyNation family. Here’s what you can expect:

Partnership Approach


Innovative Solutions

Support Solutions

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Peace of mind. That’s what you get when you join CanopyNation.