Employees within your organization are going to have different needs and values when it comes to their ideal benefits package. It’s important to keep in mind that benefits offerings are not one size fits all and the same benefits offerings will not satisfy everyone. If your organization is trying to appeal to current and prospective workers, consider personalizing your benefits options and tailoring them to the needs of your employees.
Here are some ways to explore the benefits that matter most to your employees and examples of how they can be modified based on the feedback they give.
Talking to your employees.
One of the best ways to discover what your employees desire for their benefits packages is to simply ask them. There are a few ways that you can initiate and maintain this conversation to truly understand what they want out of their benefits packages.
- Conduct focus groups. Similar to a survey, consider meeting with employees in small groups to solicit their feedback.
- Maintain ongoing benefits conversations. As employees age and grow in their careers, continue to ask them about their evolving benefits needs.
- Opt for variety. Consider offering different types of health plans or management programs that address specific health conditions.
Personalized Benefits Examples
Below is a list of potential benefits and perks that could appeal to a variety of workers:
- Affordable health plans — Consider offering tiers of health plans, with high deductible plans that appeal to healthier workers and more comprehensive plans for those with greater health needs.
- Family-building benefits — Simultaneously growing a career and a family can be challenging for working parents, but family-building benefits can help ease this burden.
- Caregiving benefits — More employees are now caring for children, adults with disabilities and older adults, increasing the value held on these benefits by employees.
- Flexible scheduling perks — While not a traditional benefit, schedule flexibility is becoming a highly sought-after perk that can help increase the balance of employees’ work and home lives.
- Robust retirement plans — According to a Willis Towers Watson survey, 67% of employees would trade a pay cut for richer retirement benefits. Expand your benefits offerings with a range of options so employees can select what matters to them the most.
- Mental health benefits — Mental health is a hot topic right now, and employees are seeking ways to better themselves and avoid burnout.
- Financial wellness benefits — Personal finance troubles can affect every aspect of an employee’s life, so having benefits to help navigate such issues can be a significant lifeline.
- Life insurance — Providing employees with life insurance options can give them and their families peace of mind should the worst happen.
- Chronic condition management solutions — Chronic conditions affect millions of workers. Offering programs such as opt-in diabetes management plans can help save participants’ overall health care dollars.
Looking to create a more customized benefit package offering for your employees but not sure where to start? Contact the team at CanopyNation today at hello@joincanopynation.com and our team of industry experts can create a benefit plan that best suits the people within your company.